I wish I could put more up. The move is taking up a lot of time. Once I reach point B, I will do my best to get some good music/news up as soon/often as possible.
On the day of the move, I will be driving solo for 15 hours. Don't ask why, but this was my choice, haha. Some kind of symbolic start to a new chapter. Who knows. Regardless, I'll put up here the day that I will definitely be moving. It keeps changing. The only guarantee is that I'll be gone before February.
The day I do finally leave, if you have my number, feel free to call me up. Remember, 15 hrs solo. I ain't goin anywhere. This may be the one time I enjoy being on the phone for long periods of time, lol. If you don't have my number and wanna shoot me a call, msg me or contact one of my friends that do have it. It'd be good to hear from you!
Apologies for not having any music attached to this one. Soooon. Thanks for reading!
Take Care
p.s. If you can make it to the NJ area this Saturday, good ol' Josh is throwing a going away party. FB fam, go to the invite on my wall and hit 'attending'. Twamily, just ask, lol. Peace.