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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who Knows What You Might Try Mathematics

Whats goin on ppl?

Hope all is well with y'all. Recently I reached my 500th tweet on Twitter (@SSPhD). For things like that, when I catch/ remember'm, I like to do little things as sort of a mini celebration. I'm always lookin' for reasons to celebrate, haha. Sometimes its just a link to something new or a shameless blog plug, but I wanted to accctually do something for this one. So, I created a Mathematics video for my newest instrumental!

It's titled "Who Knows What You Might Try". Kinda hard to tell by what is shown, but it was designed as more of a sexy time track. However, there are smooth elements to go along with some sweeping transitions and a guitar lick for the hook. Hope y'all enjoy it! As always, be sure to tell a friend or post this where you see fit. The unsigned hustle isn't complete until someone has heard it, enjoyed it and passed it on. So, if you enjoy, please do help with the hustle. Your ears and support are more appreciated than I can ever tweet/ blog about. 'Nough said. Have a listen!

Take Care